There was a time that a website was sufficient. If you had a website built, spent a little time on search engine marketing you would see traffic to that site increase over time. You didn't really have to do much, a brochure website with little or no activity was just fine.
Times have changes, search engines have changed, the way people use the internet has change. Has your website changed? Have you grown with the times in creating an interactive online presence that will attract prospective clients and customers?
The majority of small businesses have not created an online presence that is effective in sales, but it lacks the functionality to assist with business processes and customer service.
Let's take a few minutes and score your website. Don't worry, it's easy and you can do it yourself.
- ____ Do you receive more than 5 inquiries per month via your website?
- ____Do you have website analytics installed on your website?
- ____If you answered the above question with a "yes," do you visit those analytics on at least a monthly basis to monitor your traffic and their interaction with your website?
- ____Have you updated your website within the last 3 months?
- ____Do other websites link to you? If you don't know you'll need to mark this with a "no."
- ____Can you customers or prospects get basic answers via your website?
How did you do? If you answered no to more than 2 questions above, your online presence is not an effective sales or marketing tool for your business and when visitors come to your website, they are often left with wondering if "anyone is home."
Now, let's look at four main components of an online presence that every small business should evaluate.
- Interactive Website
In 1996 when I started in online marketing most businesses didn't think that a website was even necessary, but they didn't want to be left out they'd move forward in purchasing a website and having it developed for them. Websites required understanding programming languages to build and update. This could often be very costly for businesses, because businesses evolve and change. We add new services, we add new products, and sometimes our key employees change and all these things require website updates.
The good new is technology has changed. There are now platforms, like WordPress that can be built to grow with your business. Website can be easily updated, even by your receptionist - no programming knowledge is required. There is no reason a website should appear stale or dated. If your website isn't on one of these platforms it's time to consider making a change. Your website cannot limit you, it must enable you to keep your website fresh, up-to-date and growing with your industry in order for it to serve as an online marketing tool.
- Content Marketing
Content is still king, this hasn't changed over the years, it's just become more important. You've probably heard of content as blogs, I prefer to call them content centers, so that you don't get the impression that content is about telling others what you had for lunch. Content marketingis about sharing information about your industry and your business with your target market. Content plays a vital role in getting ranked in search engines and it also helps to build credibility and trust with those that are interested in what you have to offer. It takes a commitment and it takes consistency, but it can help you in creating an online presence that changes your business.
- Search Marketing
Search marketingmakes the difference of whether people find you or not when searching for your targeted keywords. In a report released by Pew Internet in May of 2011 research showed that 92% of online adults use search engines to find information on the Web, including 59% who do so on a typical day. Are they finding you? It's true that the search engine marketing game has changed, but for small businesses that are local I believe it's to their benefit. When people search using Google, the most popular search engine local results will now often top national results, but you still have to be there. Are you there? Do you even know? Google your targeted keywords and see for yourself. If not, this is something you shouldn't take lightly, because it means your target market is finding your competitors not you. I can hear some of you now, "our target market is the older generation, it's not that important to us." Really? Well, on this topic I'll leave you with this and perhaps you'll reconsider - Among the oldest internet users (age 65+), 87% are search engine users. Still think it's not important?
- Social Media Marketing
I know, the majority of you are tired of hearing about social media marketing. I understand, but again it's something that cannot be ignored. The key to using social media marketing to create an interactive on presence is make a determination on what social media outlets are right for your business. Determine which networks are not only important to you, but also decide which ones you can keep up with, engage and be active. Do not create a social media presence and leave your profiles dormant, this is much worse than not having a social media presence. Here is how I guide businesses on making a determination on what social media network are right for their business:
Twitter - A network of strangers.
LinkedIn - A network for professionals.
Facebook - A network of family and friends.
Google+ - A growing network that will combine all of the above and impact your search results.
There are other components that can aid in creating an interactive and effective online presence for your small business, but before you got a step further make sure you have the four components listed above in place and running smoothly. Once you've done that you can move into the next level and create a marketing powerhouse online for your business. Moving ahead before that is premature and will only make more work for you, rather than drive more business.